You Are Here Tunnel Location Tracker App

— Patent Pending —

We have all been there whether it is being lost in a parking garage, within a tunnel system that connects various buildings, an enclosed shopping area, a large building complex or even exploring a nature trail. Not knowing our location nor which direction we need to go in to get to our destination is never a good feeling.   Add to this that the surrounding environment is interfering with your cellular GPS and navigation apps and things can quickly go from bad to worse.   These moments and many more are when this offline tracker app would be extremely helpful.

Finding Your Way

Keeping Track

From the mobile desktop icon marker, to the splash loading screen (click image to view loading screen), custom map markers, and the custom QR Code location markers strategic placed in the tunnels, hallways, entrance and exit points, etc... the application's branding reenforces to the user that you are not lost, you are here.

Sign Up then Login

The user is prompted to sign up or sign in. The You Are Here Tunnel Location Tracker application utilizes MongoDB and Mongoose to store and manage the relationships of the users login information, site maps, location data, etc...

You are here ⇩

Like mile markers and signs on a highway, QR codes are placed throughout the tunnel, hallway, trail routes, etc... The QR codes contain location coordinates and other useful information. The QR code is scanned by the users' Apple or Android mobile device camera. The device then displays the current location of the user on a site map along with other information such as map markers with key symbols that assist the viewer in identifying their location. Click on the QR code image to view the UI for scanning the QR codes.

Future updates for this app will allow store owners to join a program that allows users to opt-in for ads that give them exclusive discount codes, flash sales, deals of the day, upcoming event info, etc... This gives local vendors reasons to support the You Are Here Tunnel Location Tracker App and gives incentives for customers to use the app even if they are not in need of their current location or the location of a particular store. Updates that add functionality for the user like turn-by-turn directions, text to speech, add on augmented reality mobile games and more will allow for an every expanding user base for this application.

Let's go there ⇨

Once the user has scanned a QR code location marker via the UI's Update Location button, their location is displayed. The user can either search for their desired destination via the Search Store option or simply continue to scan QR code location markers that they encounter. These QR code location markers updates the users current location and allows them to explore the area with the knowledge that they are not lost, but right where they want to be.

While traveling to their destination or exploring the the tunnels, hallways, etc.. if the user sees that they are going the wrong direction due to the location of their Your Last Location marker on the map, simply change directions and scan the next nearest QR code location marker to update their new location to ensure that they are now heading in the right direction. Repeat steps as necessary.

Push ↹ Pull, Update & Save

Before entering a location where GPS coverage would be lost, the user signs into and or launches the You Are Here Tunnel Location Tracker app. The user's current location and map(s) are pushed to their mobile device local storage. Each time the user scans a QR code location marker, that QR code's data is called upon and the app displays the users location and other pertinent information.

Since there may be areas within the location that the mobile device may have the ability to pickup WiFi*, cellular & or GPS signals, the app will automatically update by pulling the appropriate data to give a precise location as well as any other applicable information.

* Note: Participating locations that allow the public to access their WiFi.

Search & Go

Once a user has their location, they can conduct a search by typing the name of their destination into the search bar. The user can also search by type, i.e. food, bank, etc... At that time the user can set the destination or simply click OK. A map is displayed of their current location and the final destination is marked. Note that the various tunnel lines are color coded. The QR code location markers are placed throughout the tunnels and match the tunnel color line marked on the map. So the Red Line Tunnel will have red QR code location markers, the Yellow Line Tunnel will have yellow QR code location markers and so on. This style of map marking is similar to mass transit maps that are used for bus metros, train stations and subway systems.

Scalable Application

The potential uses for this app are many. From navigating through areas where cellular connective is limited to finding your way through tunnels, a large mall, airport, building complex, and more, this low cost, scalable application lowers the barrier to entry for reliable troublesome, offline, off the grid navigation.

  Demo Video
  Client-side Code   Server-side Code

Skills Applied On This Project
Android Studio
Node.js & Express
MongoDB & Mongoose
Git & Github

Get In Touch

I am currently open to professional and development opportunities in Houston so if you would like to know more about me or would like to discuss working together, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to speaking with you.

  • Address

    Houston, TX
    United States